- Pastoral Care: Shirley Lindsay, Berna Parker, Joyce Watt
- Ministerial Representative: Shirley Lindsay
- M &P: Dianne McLeod, Ann Norgan, Cheryl Weatherald
- Worship Committee: Dianne McLeod, Beth Bratton, David Dahlgren
- Musicians: David Dahlgren, Sandra Poole
- Legacy Committee: Debbie Bochek, Margie Gibson, Ray Norgan, Layne McFarlane
Church Legacy Application89.89 KB
- UCW: Shirley Lindsay, Jean Bailey
- Regional Representatives: Holly McFarlane, Ann Norgan
- Executive Committee: Cheryl Weatherald, Ursula Johnson, Layne McFarlane
- Board of Trustees: Ray Norgan, Rod Lee, Don Osman
- The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
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