Bethel United Church Marriage Policy
Bethel United Church celebrates the opportunity to be involved with couples seeking marriage in the context of Christian worship. We welcome and affirm all couples, regardless of gender, wishing to be married at Bethel United Church.
Marriage Preparation
1. Please make your request to be married at Bethel United Church as soon as you are able; two or three months advance notice is appreciated. Please make request directly to the Church Office, indicating the “hoped for” date. Weddings performed at Bethel United require approval of Bethel United Church Board.
Plan to meet with the minister at least two times before the set date of the wedding. These meetings will be used to:
Discuss your hopes and concerns for the service.
Discuss ideas for rituals, readings, music, etc.
Identify who will be participating in the service
Discuss logistics.
In addition to these items, the minister will encourage you to think and talk about life following the wedding ceremony, and offer resource information that might be helpful as you prepare for this change in your lives.
2. If a United Church Minister is not available at Bethel United, an outside Minister or Marriage Commissioner may be asked by the couple. In this instance, we recommend, but do not require marriage preparation classes as we would not be in a position to offer them.
To be married in the Province of Saskatchewan, two documents are required:
1. Saskatchewan Marriage License – available from a variety of vendors throughout Saskatchewan. Marriage Licenses are valid for 90 days. Please give your license to the minister at least one week before your wedding day.
2. Registration of the Marriage Form- the Church will provide this form.
**Note: if you are divorced you will also need a Decree Absolute.
The Church will provide a Certificate of Marriage on your wedding day. This is usually accepted as sufficient proof of marriage. If you wish to have an official government certificate of marriage, this may be purchased from the Department of Vital Statistics.
Alcohol and Drugs
Provincial Law states, it is illegal for your marriage to be conducted if either one of the couple or any of the legal witnesses is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Guest Ministers
Services held at Bethel United Church are conducted by our minister. Exceptions to this may occur when:
o The minister is on leave. In this case the Worship Committee will have arranged for and secured the services of another worship leader to conduct services.
o When there is a request from the family for another minister. In this case our minister will consult with the Church Board. As well our minister will be in contact with the person who the family requests, to work out the details on if and/or how the service might be shared. This request for approval must be received at least one month prior to the date of the wedding.
o Bethel United Church does not have a minister at this time. Another minister or marriage commissioner may be approved after consideration by the Board of Bethel United.
Music & Musicians
The church requests that music selected for the wedding ceremony reflect the meaning and purpose of the occasion. Couple are to make their own arrangements for musicians and/or soloist, and share this information with the minister, as soon as possible.
Photography & Recording Devices
It is important that the minister and photographer meet before the ceremony, to discuss logistics. Flash photography is only permitted during the processional, signing of the register, and the recessional. Video recording is only permitted from a stationary point that needs to be determined before the ceremony.
Date and time for rehearsal will be negotiated between minister and the couple. It is extremely important that all those who are participating in the wedding ceremony attend the rehearsal. These people include the couple, minister, witnesses, other attendants, parents, musicians and photographer.
Printing of wedding service bulletins is the couple’s responsibility.