The Worship Committee is responsible for all aspects of Worship, including music. The committee works to
provide opportunities to deepen the faith and spirituality of all ages through a variety of worship experiences,
including liturgical and seasonal celebrations, diverse expressions of prayer, music and the Sacraments.
To ensure as diverse of worship experiences as possible, to meet a variety of worship needs the work of the
Committee is carried out with prayer, care and sensitivity.
Authority and Relationship
The Worship Committee is a standing committee of the Pastoral Charge accountable to the Official Board. Periodic reports are presented to the Board and an Annual Report is presented to the community of faith.
Ministry Personnel
Chair, one year term
Choir Director
Music Director
Two to four members or adherents interested and active in the worship of the community of faith, - two year term. Chair is selected from this group.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Supporting the Ministry Personnel, Choir and Music Director and others who give leadership in Worship.
- Oversees development and leadership of Music and Choir.
- Planning and visioning regarding Worship in collaboration with the Ministry Personnel.
- Exploring worship themes that are relevant to the 21st century and the context of the community of faith and researching new ideas for worship.
- Overseeing, in cooperation with Ministry Personnel, the policies on baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals.
Participants in Worship
Recruiting and supporting participants for the following:
- Ushering and greeting for worship services
- Lay readers
- Communion servers and element preparation
- Audio/Visual technical support
Arranging and supporting of substitute worship leaders in the event of scheduled or emergency absences.
Sanctuary and Worship Spaces
- Managing materials used in Worship including:
- Flowers, banners, symbols and decorations in the Sanctuary
- Miscellaneous liturgical items
- Approving alternate uses of the Sanctuary and Worship spaces as per Bethel’s Policy for Church Facility Use.
Payment for Musicians and Choir Directors:
- Bethel Worship Services: $100
- Bethel Choir practice: $100
Meetings and Decision –making
Meetings will be held when needed. Communication between members will take place in person as well as through electronic means. The manner of decision-making shall be communal discernment, which includes gathering information, prayerful reflection and dialogue, leading to consensus. When consensus is not possible, the will of the majority will prevail.
Amended August 14, 2019